Arizona Wings N' Stings today at 602-942-6550 - 480-969-2337 to see about scheduling an inspection of your property and see how we
can help you stop all the noise and mess as well as protecting you, your family,
employees and customers from possible slip & fall dangers or health hazards associated with pest
birds that are roosting or nesting in and around your home or business.

Attic Clean out for
pigeons that have been in the attic a long time
Pigeons in an attic can
cause all sorts of problems between the feces possibly getting into
your A/c duct work and blown into the house, the dead bird bodies with the maggots and even
the lice or ticks that will move off of a dead bird looking for a
new host like you.
Don't let this happen to you, if you are hearing birds
in the attic you could have a real problem.

Prepping the room all the furniture was carefully
moved from the bedroom and stacked in the sitting room. |
The attic vents allowed the pigeons free and easy
access to the attic space, they were never screened so pigeons had
been living in here for years. |
Protective plastic was placed on the divider wall and
over the door to keep the dust and pigeon debris from getting out
into the rest of the home |
Protective coveralls and full face respirators were
worn to work in the area. |
When we opened the ceiling, we found that the
insulation was covered with pigeon poop, dead pigeons, lots of eggs
and even a few babies in their nests. |
You can see some of the eggs and a dead pigeon in
this picture |
When we would pull down the insulation the top of it
would be covered with pigeon waste and other matter, as deep as 6"
in some spots. |
No way around it, sometimes you just got to crawl
back there and get that last little bit of stuff and the newest guy
Mike is the one to do it. |
All the wood had to be scraped off and the electric
wires wiped down then disinfected. |
This is what picture #6 looked like after we were
finished -Insulation removed, sweep, vacuumed and sprayed with
disinfectant. |
Doing the cleaning above the remaining drywall and
vacuuming. |
Here you can see the heavy protective plastic we laid
down to protect the carpet and make cleanup easier. |
Getting the last bit of dust and dirt that may have
gotten behind the plastic. |
It doesn't look like we did much, but it took all 5
of us working for about 6 hours to complete this project. |
Pigeons in an attic can
cause all sorts of problems between the feces possibly getting into
your A/c duct work, the dead bird bodies with the maggots and even
the lice or ticks that will move off of a dead bird looking for a
new host like you. If you hear birds in the attic don't wait till
it gets to be a serious problem, call us today. |
Arizona Wings N' Stings for all your unusual bird control problems.
"Have Birds -
We'll Travel"
602 -942 -6550 or
Large Job
or small job
- We can do it all.